Project 4: As If I Knew Nothing

Project 4

As If I Knew Nothing

Human-Computer Interactions II

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0. Introduction

As If I Knew Nothing is our HCI solution to the problem “How can I be certain that I thoroughly know this topic well enough to explain it effectively?” By using our application, the user describes whatever they are trying to communicate effectively by explaining it to a stranger first. The stranger would then reply with their interpretation and feedback which is then passed back
to the user to help them gauge the clarity of their explanation and make refinements if necessary. Our application only allows for 1 message to be sent by each participant to generate a high level of detail and succinctness. Through this unique form of communication and collaboration, the true test of how well you know a topic is validated.

1. Design Ideas

The first iteration of our design process consisted of each group member sketching their initial ideas for the project. Here, our Top 10 sketches are shown.

2. Refined Sketches

After discussing the initial sketches we decided to focus on refining the As If I Knew Nothing Idea.

Click a name to view the rest of Marela's, Daniel's, or Sophia's sketches that were part of the team's Top 20 (Initial + Refine).

3. Final Product

After deciding on “As If I Knew Nothing”, we decided to refine the idea further. From our refined sketches we decided to implement sending compensation as a reward, being able to send images in addition or in lieu of text, and requesting help specifically from a stranger who is also an expert. There were many other ideas from our refined sketches that we wanted to pursue like the level up system, choosing form of compensation, sending voice clips, and the ranking system, but we decided to focus on these specific implementations for our prototype. This is due to us believing that they are of higher priority and we consider them to be minimum viable products for our app. Unfortunately due to personal constraints like starting our careers and things like moving away, we had to focus on finishing this for the last week of school and could not utilize the extended hand-in date. We are still very happy with our end-product and our solution to a very common problem. Our creative solution “As If I Knew Nothing”, which allows a single message to and from 2 people allows for enhancing communication and collaboration in a way we have never truly seen before. Please enjoy our project video, which contains our project demo.

My contributions:
  • Sketched design ideas that were eventually included in the final implementation
  • Participated in voting for top ideas/sketches after completing the initial and refined sketches
  • Worked with Daniel to plan and film the storyboard
  • Worked with Daniel and Marela on the Figma prototype
  • Recorded voice clips to be used in final video demo

Figma Prototype Link: